Tributes - Retrospectives - Cinema on cinema
CANADA | 13 minutes | 1980
Triple Exposure World explores post-punk existential angst.With the precious collaboration of Etienne Desrosiers.
As part of LYSANNE THIBODEAU: Programme courts métrages
No biography
A Shadow Nette is a type of traditional fishing harness worn by fishermen to project their silhouettes onto the water. They project gestures of virility,...
Short film
CANADA | 13 minutes | 2017
For more than 40 years, Masayoshi Sukita photographed David Bowie, taking shots that are some of the most poignant and representative of the artist. He...
Feature film , Documentary
JAPAN | 13 minutes | 2018
Entering the envelope of life floating within its many layers.
UNITED STATES | 13 minutes | 2017
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