A selection of films of different genres: Triple Exposure World explores post-punk existential angst; cult movie Bad Blood for the Vampyr is a humorous, dark pastiche full of hope; Virginia is a modern fable combining the initiatory tale with a romantic quest, and the intimate road movie Éloge du Retour renews the link with our tragic northernness.With the precious collaboration of Etienne Desrosiers.
Bad Blood for the Vampyr is a humorous, dark pastiche full of hope.With the precious collaboration of Etienne Desrosiers.
Short film
GERMANY | 22 minutes | 1984
Triple Exposure World explores post-punk existential angst.With the precious collaboration of Etienne Desrosiers.
CANADA | 13 minutes | 1980
Virginia's quest for the land of naked slaves set to a butoh choreography by Yumiko Yoshioka. With Gudrun Gut. Virginia is a modern fable combining the initiatory tale with a romantic quest.With the precious collaboration of Etienne Desrosiers.
GERMANY | 8 minutes | 1992
“Life took my father when I was a child, then my mother and my barely teenaged brother. Does time erase things? When I come back from exile, I remember.” Lysanne ThibodeauThe intimate road movie Éloge du Retour renews the link with our tragic northernness.With the precious collaboration of Etienne Desrosiers.
CANADA | 43 minutes | 2001
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