Tributes - Retrospectives - Cinema on cinema
| 90 minutes | 0
Come meet the filmmaker Paul Schrader (American Gigolo, Cat People, etc.). His influences (Dreyer, Bresson or Ozu), Hollywood, writing Taxi Driver, filming Mishima, and much more. Presented by Bruno Dequen (editor, magazine 24 Images / Artistic Director RIDM).En collaboration avec la Chaire René Malo et l'École des médias de l'UQAMFACEBOOK EVENT HEREFREE event. Seats are not guaranteed and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
A Shadow Nette is a type of traditional fishing harness worn by fishermen to project their silhouettes onto the water. They project gestures of virility,...
Short film
CANADA | 90 minutes | 2017
Bad Blood for the Vampyr is a humorous, dark pastiche full of hope.With the precious collaboration of Etienne Desrosiers.
GERMANY | 90 minutes | 1984
The grim routine of suicides, murders, shootings and mass killings in North America is as much in the streets and schools as it is in the home. The subject...
Feature film , Documentary
QUéBEC/CANADA | 90 minutes | 2018
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