See the trailer

QUéBEC/CANADA | 103 minutes | 2017

The film tells the inspiring story of an irrepressible artist who, working with choreographer Édouard Lock, revolutionized contemporary dance in the 1980s. She is a true icon of dance, a unique creator whose art transcends the limitations of the human body.

With the presence of Louise Lecavalier and the director, Raymond St-Jean
Presented by Usine C


Thursday October 11, 2018

Program #198
Cinémathèque - Salle Principale

Raymond St-Jean

No biography

distribution and credits

  • Music Raphaël Reed
  • Editing Philippe Ralet
  • Sound mixing Benoît Dame
  • Cinematographer Jean-François Lord
  • Screenplay Raymond St-Jean
  • Cast Louise Lecavalier
  • Artistic Director Linda Brunelle, Patricia Christie


  • Filmoption International

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