Film events and Master Classes
QUéBEC/CANADA | 26 minutes | 2018
On 19 May 2017, the statue of the Confederate general Robert E. Lee is removed by the City Hall of New Orleans;11 and 12 August, demonstration by White Supremacists in Charlottesville to protest the removal of the statue of Robert E. Lee. There are violent clashes and a counter manifestor, Heather Heyer, is killed by a car plowing in the crowd, fifteen other people are wounded;16 August, following those events, four Confederate Statues are removed by the City Hall of Baltimore;23 August, being forbidden to remove the statues by an injunction of the State of Virginia, the City Hall of Charlottesville decide to cover the statues of Robert E. Lee and of Stonewall Jackson withblack cloth, in sign of mourning for the death of Heather Heyer.28 August, we travel by car from Cananda to go shoot images of empty pedestals in Baltimore, of the envelopped statues in Charlottesville and of the still visible statues on Monument Avenue in Richmont.
No biography
Between nostalgia-drenched dreams and altered reality, this second work from 27-year-old Bi Gan explores a strange world of colours and textures...
Feature film , Drama
CHINA , France | 26 minutes | 2018
The Indigenous Youths views are honored again this year. Join us in this creative gathering and get a sneak peek of the cultures and talent of young...
26 minutes | 0
A light grey room. A slender woman of 50 and a 12-year-old boy. Joined together like the links of a chain. Changing positions at a constant rate. One...
Short film
NETHERLANDS | 26 minutes | 2013
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