Tributes - Retrospectives - Cinema on cinema
CANADA | 102 minutes | 1975
Legendary Montreal producer Harry Gulkin, who recently died at 90, was a bridge-builder, respected as much among francos as anglos. Gulkin, once the president of the Canadian Film Institute and vice-president of the Cinémathèque québécoise, was best known for producing the iconic Montreal-made Lies My Father Told Me (Ján Kadár, 1975). Focusing on the heartwarming bond between a 7-year-old boy and his eccentric grandfather, the film was hailed as a Canadian classic. It is the only Canadian production to win the Golden Globe for Best Foreign Language Film. Gulkin also produced the films Two Solitudes (Lionel Chetwynd, 1978), an adaptation of Hugh MacLennan’s bestselling novel, and Jacob Two-Two Meets the Hooded Fang (Theodoe J. Flicker, 1978), an adaptation of the Mordecai Richler children’s fantasy. After leaving production, Gulkin went on to work as an analyst at SODEC, where he helped spearhead such Québécois offerings as Denys Arcand’s Les Invasions barbares and François Girard’s Cargo.Restaured version by Éléphant : mémoire du cinéma québécoisFREE event. Seats are not guaranteed and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
Best foreign film - Golden Globes 1976
Ján Kadár (1 April 1918 – 1 June 1979) was a Hungarian-born Slovak film writer and director of Jewish heritage.As a filmmaker, he worked in Czechoslovakia, the United States, and Canada. Most of his films were directed in tandem with Elmar Klos. The two became best known for their Oscar-winning The Shop on Main Street (Obchod na korze, 1965).[1] As a professor at FAMU (Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts)[2] in Prague, Kadár trained most of the directors who spawned the Czechoslovak New Wave in the 1960s.After moving to the United States, he became professor of film direction at the American Film Institute in Beverly Hills. His personal life as well as his films encompassed and spanned a range of cultures: Jewish, Slovak, Hungarian, Czech, and American.
Life Is Rising from the Ruins (Na troskách vyrastá život, 1945)They Are Personally Responsible for Crimes against Humanity (Sú osobne zodpovední za zlo?iny proti ?udskosti, 1946)They Are Personally Responsible for a Betrayal of the National Uprising (Sú osobne zodpovední za zradu na národnom povstaní, 1946)Katka (1950)The Hijacking; aka Kidnapped (Únos, 1952)Music from Mars (Hudba z Marsu, 1954)House at the Terminus (D?m na kone?né, 1957)Three Wishes (T?i p?ání, 1958)Death is Called Engelchen (Czech: Smrt si ?íká Engelchen, Slovak: Smr? sa volá Engelchen, 1963)Accused (Obžalovaný, also known as Defendant, 1964)The Shop on Main Street (Obchod na korze, 1965)Adrift (Czech: Touha zvaná Anada, Slovak: Túžba zvaná Anada, Hungarian: Valamit visz a víz, 1969)The Angel Levine (1970)Lies My Father Told Me (1976)The Case against Milligan (1976)Freedom Road (1979)
“Life took my father when I was a child, then my mother and my barely teenaged brother. Does time erase things? When I come back from exile, I...
Short film
CANADA | 102 minutes | 2001
Triple Exposure World explores post-punk existential angst.With the precious collaboration of Etienne Desrosiers.
CANADA | 102 minutes | 1980
Shot when she was just 18, Barbara Rubin’s orgiastic Christmas on Earth (1964) shocked NYC's thriving underground film community. A mythical Zelig of the...
Feature film , Documentary
UNITED STATES | 102 minutes | 2018
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