See the trailer

BELGIUM , France | 70 minutes | 2018

Every year, Tour de France fans gather by the thousand along the route at strategic points in hopes of catching a glimpse of the peloton. Some will go down in posterity, filmed by the TV crews. Others will manage to seize a few snapshots of the cyclists. It’s a long-awaited moment that’s over far too soon. Two Belgian documentarists hand the mic over to these Tour “regulars,” some of whom arrive with trailer in tow a full week before the event to secure the best possible position. But turns funny and touching, Holy Tour reveals the human side to a mega-sports event. INTERNATIONALE PREMIERE


Monday October 8, 2018

Program #110
Cinéma du Parc 1

Tuesday October 9, 2018

Program #154
Cineplex Odeon Quartier SALLE 10

Saturday October 13, 2018

Program #260
Cineplex Odeon Quartier SALLE 17

Méryl Fortunat-Rossi

No biography

Valéry Rosier

No biography

distribution and credits

  • Editing Julie NAAS
  • Sound mixing Sylvie FORTIN
  • Sound designer Arnaud CALVAR, Marie PAULUS
  • Cinematographer Méryl FORTUNAT-ROSSI, Valéry ROSIER
  • Screenplay Méryl FORTUNAT-ROSSI, Valéry ROSIER


  • Be For Films

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