National competition of short student films
CANADA | 8 minutes | 2017
A young boy interviews a couple about their love life for his high school project.University of Toronto
No biography
Annie Lalande, massage therapist and painter, talks about her life: loss of sight andrehabilitation, her job, her hopes and her love of life.ECTQ
Short film
QUéBEC/CANADA , France | 8 minutes | 2018
In a boat on a frozen lake, a retired psychoanalyst meets one of his former patients. Together, they look for the reason as to why he consulted.UQAT
QUéBEC/CANADA | 8 minutes | 2018
A Middle-Eastern-Canadian woman struggles with her mother's disapproval of her fostering a white child.Concordia University
CANADA | 8 minutes | 2018
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