See the trailer

ICELAND , France , Ukraine | 101 minutes | 2018

A follow-up to Of Horses and Men, Benedikt Erlingsson’s second feature is a cross between heartwarming comedy and ecoterrorist suspense. Halla, a music teacher waging a relentless battle against the local aluminum industry, finds her political convictions called into question when her plans to adopt a little girl start coming together. Employing delightfully off-the-wall musical interludes and taking full advantage of Iceland’s magnificent landscapes, Woman at War is grounded in the impeccable performance of Halldóra Geirharosdóttir, adroitly shifting between the main character and her mysterious twin sister Asa.

Q&A with the filmmaker on October 11th and 14th

The film will be screened in its original version with french subtitles on October 11th and with english subtitles on October 14th

SACD Award - Cannes Critic’s Week


Thursday October 11, 2018

Program #200
Cineplex Odeon Quartier SALLE 10

Sunday October 14, 2018

Program #265
Cinéma du Parc 1

Benedikt Erlingsson

Benedikt Erlingsson is an Icelandic director, author and actor. OF HORSES AND MEN, Erlingsson’s first feature film as a writer-director, received the New Directors prize at the 2013 San Sebastián Film Festival and went on to win over 20 international awards. Benedikt Erlingsson is a 2016 Gan Foundation for Cinema award winner. His second feature film, WOMAN AT WAR (2018), was selected at the 57th Semaine de la Critique.

distribution and credits

  • Screenplay Benedikt Erlingsson, Ólafur Egilsson
  • Cast Halldora Geirhardsdottir, Jóhann Sigurðarson, Jorundur Ragnarsson


  • Métropole

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