
UNITED STATES | 97 minutes | 2018

Hollywood has helped shape the image and public perception of women. The fact that they are underrepresented (or poorly represented) in front of or behind the camera is certainly nothing new. That's why, in the context of the #TimesUp movement, Tom Donahue gives the floor to these actresses, producers and directors to talk about the innumerable displays of inherent sexism and machismo in the business. Listening to these women, a powerful and formidable call to action is advocated, with tangible solutions to transform an industry that is entering a whole new era.


Friday October 12, 2018

Program #214
Cinéma Impérial

Saturday October 13, 2018

Program #239
Cinéma Impérial

Tom Donahue

Tom Donahue is an American filmmaker, editor, and producer. His documentary features include Casting By (12), which screened at the Festival, as well as Guest of Cindy Sherman (08), and Thank You for Your Service (15). This Changes Everything (18) is his latest film.

distribution and credits

  • Cast Geena Davis, Meryl Streep, Chloë Grace Moretz

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