Exploring new technology trends
FRANCE | 16 minutes | 2018
All around Shanghai, thousands of people have chosen to live or work in stunning copies of Paris, Venice, and London. This VR documentary film invites viewers into a parallel world where famous touristic landmarks have been turned into vast neighborhoods.
No biography
THE REAL THINGDocumentary, 54’, ARTE France / Artline Films, 2018THE REAL THING VRDocumentary, 15’, ARTE France / Artline Films / DVgroup, 2018Co-directed by Mathias ChelebourgPREMIER VOTEDocumentary, 26’, France 3, 2017GRÈCE, UNE VIE SANS VOIXShort documentary, France-Greece, 2013UNFINISHED ITALYDocumentary, 35’, Italy, 201070 selections in festivals; main awards:- Premiers plans d’Angers, 2011- Best Italian documentary award at RIFF Roma, 2011- Best short international documentary award, Documenta Madrid, 2011- First prize at Les Écrans Documentaires, 2011- Mention Spéciale CNC, Best Italian short film, 2011 - Best Italian documentary award at Festival Sedicicorto, 2011
- IN STUDENT COMPETITION -As contemporary medias continually broadcast an unattainable model of virtual beauty that puts the individual in conflict with...
Virtual Reality
QUéBEC/CANADA | 16 minutes | 2018
How might it feel to slip into the skin of a dancer? VR experiencers are transported to unexpected geographies within 360 degree dance films and...
FRANCE , Spain | 16 minutes | 2018
- IN COMPETITION -A VR short following a confusing encounter on the Israeli-Egyptian border. Based on true events.
ISRAEL | 16 minutes | 2018
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