The great names in cinema
DENMARK , France , Sweden , Germany | 155 minutes | 2018
True to form, the legendary Danish director shocks and provokes in his portrait of Jack, a ruthless serial killer and intellectually-minded architect who ponders his “body of work” with a mysterious psychoanalyst named Verge. In this nightmarish tale divided into five chapters, Von Trier spares no one. Beyond the body count and the sadism of the protagonist – played by a never-more-terrifying Matt Dillon – the film is a scathing indictment of the role of the artist. This violent yet poetic descent into hell, unleavened by twisted humour, is guaranteed to provoke strong reactions.
No biography
Quarrelling, making up, little stabs in the back, and boozy despair – as always, Hong Sang-Soo feels right at home here. In his latest opus Grass, he...
Feature film , Drama
SOUTH KOREA | 155 minutes | 2018
For his thirteenth feature, the Chinese filmmaker follows a couple embroiled in the local underworld of Datong City. Taking up his favourite themes —...
CHINA , France | 155 minutes | 2018
Powerfully as ever, Rithy Panh continues documenting the horrific Cambodian genocide perpetrated by the Khmer Rouge in the late 1980s, which Panh lived...
Feature film , Documentary
FRANCE , Cambodia | 155 minutes | 2018
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