See the trailer

JAPAN | 115 minutes | 2018

For more than 40 years, Masayoshi Sukita photographed David Bowie, taking shots that are some of the most poignant and representative of the artist. He takes pictures as if he were playing an instrument, adapting instinctively to any project and condensing the energy of his models (Iggy Pop, Marc ‘T-Rex’ Bolan, and others) to always capture their best side. Celebrating his 80th birthday this year, it is high time to look at this unstoppable talent, both calm and kind, in a fascinating portrait filled with testimonials and anecdotes of collaborators and filmmakers, such as Jim Jarmusch, and stylists like Paul Smith. NORTH AMERICAN PREMIERE

Presented by Film POP


Friday October 12, 2018

Program #225
Cineplex Odeon Quartier SALLE 16

Saturday October 13, 2018

Program #243
Cinémathèque - Salle Fernand-Seguin

Hiro Aihara

No biography

SUKITA:The Shoot Must Go On (2018) 1st documerntary

distribution and credits

  • Cinematographer Mark HIGASHINO, Genro KITAJIMA
  • Cast Masayoshi SUKITA


  • ColorBird Inc

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