Exploring new technology trends
UNITED KINGDOM , Denmark | 10 minutes | 2018
- IN COMPETITION -The Guardian’s latest VR experience, Songbird, is an animated fairy tale with a dark heart. You will be transported to the island of Kauai, Hawaii, in 1984 and into a painted replica of a lush cloud forest filled with colourful birds.
No biography
- IN COMPETITION -Kobold blurs the line between cinema and VR gaming. Immerse yourself in true, cinematic realism, explore a fully interactive universe...
Virtual Reality
GERMANY | 10 minutes | 2018
Witness firsthand the lives of veteran and novice NASA astronauts alike as they navigate the trials and sacrifices of their training and missions. Narrated...
CANADA | 10 minutes | 2018
Paris. Middle of the night. Clara answers an unknown but insistent caller. An emergency: the man on the other end asks her to come to Brittany to bid her...
FRANCE | 10 minutes | 2018
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