Gutsy cinema that breaks new ground
BRAZIL , France , Colombia | 89 minutes | 2018
A woman and her two children fleeing the Colombian civil war find themselves in Amazonia near the Brazilian border. On an island haunted by ghosts, painful memories come flooding back, exacerbating the daily struggle for survival in an out-of-the-way community. Taking a page from the documentary handbook, Beatriz Seigner delivers a subdued political fable in which she calls up the dead and missing to remind the survivors to rise up against injustice. As the title suggests, they are silent, but fully intend to remain among the living. CANADIAN PREMIERE
Directors’ Fortnight - Cannes
No biography
Bollywood Dream
In fine Hitchcockian (North by Northwest) fashion, Danish newcomer Gustav Möller serves up a breathtaking thriller based on a screenplay crafted with...
Feature film , Thriller
DENMARK | 89 minutes | 2018
For his second feature, Félix Dufour-Laperrière turns to animated fiction, mingling the personal, the collective and the political. In the midst of the...
Feature film , Animation
QUéBEC/CANADA | 89 minutes | 2018
A follow-up to Of Horses and Men, Benedikt Erlingsson’s second feature is a cross between heartwarming comedy and ecoterrorist suspense. Halla, a music...
Feature film , Comedy
ICELAND , France , Ukraine | 89 minutes | 2018
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