Tributes - Retrospectives - Cinema on cinema
UNITED STATES | 14 minutes | 2018
Tears held suspended, and released.
No biography
Legendary Montreal producer Harry Gulkin, who recently died at 90, was a bridge-builder, respected as much among francos as anglos. Gulkin, once the...
Feature film , Drama
CANADA | 14 minutes | 1975
The grim routine of suicides, murders, shootings and mass killings in North America is as much in the streets and schools as it is in the home. The subject...
Feature film , Documentary
QUéBEC/CANADA | 14 minutes | 2018
In a diary he intends to eventually destroy, a solitary clergyman mourning his son writes of his meeting with an environmental activist, whose black view...
UNITED STATES | 14 minutes | 2017
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