
CANADA | 5 minutes | 2018

It ain't easy singing for a black metal band...


Pascal Plante

No biography

2018 - BLAST BEAT (4min)
2017 - Fake Tattoos (87min)
2016 - Nonna (10min)
2015 - Blue-Eyed Blonde (17min)
2015 - SHITTY DRUM! (6min)
2014 - The Porn Generation (119min)
2012 - Baby Blues (21min)
2011 - A Golden Age (7min)
2011 - I Am A Sand Castle Awaiting The Sea (26min)

distribution and credits

  • Cinematographer Laurence Turcotte-Fraser
  • Cast Corinne Cardinal, Alexandre Dostie


  • Némésis Films

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